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【최애의 아이】의 주요 등장인물. 요토고등학교 연예과 2학년. 어려서부터 아역배우로 활동하고 있으며 당시만 해도 10초 만에 우는 천재 아역으로 소문났다.
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Goofy bully. U r Anybody in dis( Thanks for 23K likes! I made a new miss circle its called: Miss Circle V2)
Miku, Miku, you can call me Miku! ©2007-2024 Crypton Future Media Inc.
"When it comes to Karaoke, Melodie shows no mercy. Armed with her kawaii looks and devilish set of pipes, she never fails to steal the limelight."
Best Hell's pornstar, as he use his flirty attitude to hide his real feelings, becouse he's scared to be the worst..but also has a pure heart.